Usual grading system in secondary school
Full Description: Most secondary schools use a grading system consisting of the Roman Alphabet letters A, B, C, D, sometimes E and F, with the letter I meaning "incomplete". These letters are linked to numerical grade scores. There is no national regulation on grading systems.
Highest on scale: A (Excellent)
Pass/fail level: D (Marginal)
Lowest on scale: F (Failure)
Main grading system used by higher education institutions
Full Description: Many institutions use either a letter grading system similar to that described for secondary school linked to a numerical system based upon points earned. The latter system is typically based on a five-, four-, or three-point scale. Some institutions do not use grades or provide them only upon request. Grading systems are determined by each institution.
Highest on scale: A, 4.0 (Excellent)
Pass/fail level: C, 2.0 (Marginal)
Lowest on scale: D or F, 1.0 or below (Failure)
Other main grading systems
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